Less is more with Nova Launcher's Nothing style setup #710

Less is more with Nova Launcher's Nothing style setup #710

Nothing inspired Homescreen setup for Android with Nova Launcher

Customizing your phone to reflect your unique style and preferences. Nova Launcher offers a plethora of customization options, allowing you to tweak every aspect of your home screen layout, while KWGT widgets enable you to add dynamic, personalized information at a glance. It's normal to feel overwhelmed or stuck during the setup process, but remember that customization is all about making your phone truly yours. Take your time to experiment with different widgets, icons, and themes until you achieve a setup that not only looks great but also enhances your daily user experience.

Apps Used:
- Nova Launcher (Grid 10x10,Icon Size 85%)
- Nothing 3.0 Kwgt (Widget No: NOS0071, NOS0094)
- Backdrops Wallpapers (Category: Geometric , Name: Modular Shift)
- Dots Nothing Icon Pack
- Backup